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10 best movies of all time

1. Transformers (2007)

The best movie of all time no 1. This film deserves the predicate films of various aspects, from its effect, plot, and of the actors involved. The film combines elements desert warfare, hackers, teen romance, robots and the war fighter into a story that neatly interwoven. I myself have watched this movie dozens of times. Almost every scene interesting to observe from Blockout attacks on American military bases, the War against Scorpionox, the air war between Starscream with the F22 on the City really makes this movie remains stuck in the head (read: impressive).
Note: Transformers II presents the effects of not less great, unfortunately the story was bad, Crap!, Fortunately there are Soundwave and Revenge of the movie is not boring.
Final note: in addition to the above tenth film, actually a lot also nominated films including Avatar, 2012, The Patriot, Braveheart, X-man, The Bourne Trilogy, Hary Potter and Prizonner of Azkaban as well as Time Machine. However, once again, the above films still can not beat a top 10 films (I think anyway)

2. Spiderman 2 (2004)

Who does not know the man profit to Spiderman? Spiderman 2 is an action film released in 2004 which is a continuation of the Spiderman (2002). This time Spiderman get one of the formidable enemy Dr. Octopus. A professor who wants to create "artificial sun" which actually caused him to become a monster. The storyline of this movie really interesting where the peter parker, a freelance photographer in addition so in the Daily buggle, also worked as a pizza deliveryman with a super motor battered in the middle of new york city, not to mention the added Mary Jane is already spoken for and about to marry plus feud with Spiderman friend who thinks harry who killed his father.
In addition to the scenes and the storyline is super cool, I liked the song soundtracknya entitled "Hold on".Note: Spiderman I was too "rough" Spiderman III effects and less attractive in terms of story, the main antagonist Although the "Venom" portions yet made its appearance a little less lost Spiderman 3.

3. The Dark Knight (2008)

How many batman movies are made? I myself do not know. But what makes this film interesting not because batmannya, but because Jokerlah that makes this film makes the quality of this film rises to a higher level. Joker without mercy and said "why so serious" that became icons of this character really makes Batman movie right bener incredible. Moreover, this story does not end with a happy ending (My favorite). ended with the killing of lover Batman and Batman is not in worship as a hero, but so fugitives.

4. Saving private Ryan (1998)

World War II's best film to date. If Black Hawk Down tells the story of the modern era of war, then the movie saving private ryan is about world war two. Starring Tom Hank, Matt damon and many famous actors add to the real movie, let alone fit the film, the characters must follow a three-month compulsory military service, except the Ryan.He said let the army which will save Ryan added annoyed that their military training, while Ryan is not real. the result? truly remarkable film. If you want to be a soldier, let's see this movie to test how much guts as you will be brought to the atmosphere of World War II that really "cool" and you will know that war is so terrible.

5. Black Hawk Down (2001)
This film is a modern war film to date. Black Hawk Down tells the story of Black Hawk crash in Somalia during military operations against Mohammed Farah Aidid's men who will hold a meeting in a building.The planned operation is only done in under 1 hour turned out to be a military operation that lasted for nearly a day, American troops even ask for help from pakistan and malaysia. until now there is no modern war movies better than this movie. interestingly, the storyline of this movie based on real events in Somalia, precisely in Mogadishu. What's interesting about this film is the effect of the crash and a tense atmosphere of war with a variety of RPG that protrude toward the Black Hawk down.

6. The Matrix

 The story of this film is about a hacker named Neo and will know the true state of reality and then joined a rebel group fighting the guards computer programs called agents. The rebels are led olehMorpheus. Other members of Trinity, Cypher, Tank and so on. In this film that depicted the reality we face is actually false. Actually we live in a dream and fact to sebenearnya we gentleness in the year 2199 where the world is controlled by the engine. What was interesting? story ideas and effects.
Note: The Matrix is ​​the first film of the trilogy, the second and third film released in 2003 under the title The Matrix: Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolution.

7 . Terminator :Rise of the machine(2003)

Third of the Terminator film franchise, tells about the beginning of the machine that membrontak hidupny kemanusa, where the robot is the main enemy Terminatrix, or also called 'Terminator Terminator "is a terminator that didesaign to kill the other terminator. Why is this movie on the list, be honest because this robot girls bener bener cool, powerful, merciless and "death is really hard"
Note: "The first movie was released in 1984 (Terminator I), followed by Terminator: Judgement Day (1991) and the new film is the fourth film aired in 2009 titled Terminator Salvation (2009). Overall a good film, especially the last movie.

8. Jurrasic Park (1993)

When I first school, one of the most interesting material is Mathematics, Physics, Biology and English Language. And of Biology is the most interesting thing about Dinosurus where these creatures extinct 65 million years ago. This film is the first film that really describes the Dinosaurs by Real, mainly T-REX. this film is about efforts to revive the dinosaurs and make a garden that can be visited disebuah island. In a trial visit occurred unwanted things, Electricity and T-REX death Fleeing and trying to "eat" Grandson of sipendiri park. The scene was real and thrilling, especially the film was made in 1993, sunnguh remarkable, especially in the ending scene.
Note: Jurrasic park is a trilogy, the second film released in 1997 and Fim's third release in 2001. All three are really good film, but this first film that really impressed bener.

9 . Independent Day (1996)

Independent Day tells the story of alien invasion on earth. Films like this is obviously very much, but the most distinguishing between this movie with other film is its special FX. Ditahun 1996 Imagine the effect this movie was incredible, presented in great detail, including the destruction of the city of New York and the air war between aircraft aliens with American troops. filmmaker who's behind this? Who else if not a master filmmaker disaster that is "really hate the earth" The Roland emerich who make movies about the Rapture, major disasters and the like such as 2012, the day after Tomorrow and 10,000 BC.
Note: almost all of Roland Emmerich film tells about the Rapture, tragedy and major disasters and the like, another movie from Roland is also a good movie fim, but independent film that day is truly memorable.

10. Back To the Future II (1989)

Back to the Future II is a true favorite movie interesting. tells of a professor who had a time machine car where he could into the past or of the future (set in 1985). The story begins when the professor is giving out his best friend (McFly sr) that in the future (year 2015) son (Mc Fly Jr.) is captured by the police for an offense, eventually they both go back to the future and save his son so that future changes (son not be arrested by the police). But neighbors in a future McFly Sr. is old (Biff), steals the time machine car and returned to the 50's and gave the book on "the list of sporting winners of the 20th century" to himself when he was young. When they both turned back to 1985 have all been changed and they should return kemasa 1950s to stop the old Biff gives book and return the current (1985) back to normal.
Note: This is the movie trilogy, Unfortunately I have not watched Back to the Future Back to Future I and III.

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